Layered Architectures
In a layered system, each layer:
  • Depends on the layers beneath it
  • Independent of the layers above it
The Good:
  • We only need to understand the layers beneath the one we are working on
  • Replaceable by similar impl without impacting the other layers
  • Standardisation on the layer level
  • Reusability by more than 1 higher-level layers
The Bad:
  • Propagation of changes: a field added to the UI layer most likely also needs to be added to the DB layer
  • Extra layers can harm performance, especially if in different physical locations.
The Ugly: Lasagna Architecture Anti Pattern

If we:

  • Have a large code-base (monolith?)
  • And try to create the perfect layered setup
  • By over-abstracting
  • By organizing our code according to layers

We end up with a happy lasagne, in which every small change to a layer reverberates throughout the layers

You should try to organize code by components e.g. Product, Payment, Checkout

Introduced as an attempt to avoid common problems with the layered architecture

Common problems such as:

  • Leakage of business logic into presentation layers
  • Dependency and direct instantiation of external libs into business logic

This makes the layers harder to replace and the app harder to test.

original layers => only center (app) is important, its our core business.
top bottom are entry/exit points.
tilted on side => escaping the layered mindset
arranged into hexagon for convenience
Interfaces that describe entry/exit points into/out-of the application
Concrete implementations of the ports
Primary/Driving Adapters
They start the action
Secondary/Driven Adapters
They react to action the primaries started
  • More internal layers
  • Inspired by DDD
  • Outer layers depend on inner layers
  • Inner layers do not know about outer layers
  • Looks like an onion

Doesn't really add any new concepts on top of Hexagonal & Onion

Just repeats the same with some different terms

Explicitly formalizes some implicit rules and the flow of a request with the diagram at the corner

Explicit Architecture by Herberto Graca (source)
ties everything together with explicit project/code structure
Thanks, questions? ...

lets discuss

  • how is it at your team?
  • would you like to try to impl some of these concepts?
  • are you concerned you will not be able to?